Franchise Exploration Handbook

Important Disclaimer: This web site and the franchise opportunity information on this web site do not constitute an offer to sell a franchise and is for information purposes only. The offer of a franchise can only be made through the delivery of a Franchise Disclosure Document ("FDD"). Certain states require that we register the FDD in those states. The communications on this web site are not directed by us to the residents of any of those states where we are not currently registered. We will not offer or sell franchises in those states until we have registered the franchise and complied with applicable law. Currently, AmSpirit Business Connections is not registered in the following states: California, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.

Franchise Opportunity Exploration Handbook

As an overview, we have designed this Franchise Opportunity Exploration Handbook to provide you with information to assist you in making an informed decision whether to purchase an AmSpirit Business Connections franchise. The topics in this Franchise Opportunity Exploration Handbook include:

Exploring the Franchise Opportunity

Review each of these steps carefully. As each step is important in the evaluation process, AmSpirit Business Connections will not enter into a franchise arrangement with you until you have completed each step in succession.

  1. Franchise Opportunity Information Package: After having an initial conversation with an AmSpirit Business Connections Franchise Opportunity Representative, we have sent you this Franchise Opportunity Exploration Handbook. We encourage you to review this information carefully.
  2. Initial Application Package: After reviewing this information, if you are interested in further exploring the AmSpirit Business Connections Franchise Opportunity, please complete and return a Potential Franchisee Personal Profile Form (Word | PDF) included in this package. In addition, please forward to us a current resume and a personal biography.
  3. Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD): Once we have reviewed your initial application package and we have approved you as being qualified to be a franchise candidate, we will send you the applicable FDD as required by the Federal Trade Commission and/or your state. In addition to providing you with important legal and contractual information related to the AmSpirit Business Connections Franchise Opportunity, the FDD will include a list of all current (and past) AmSpirit Business Connections Franchisees. We encourage you to review this information carefully with your legal and accounting advisors. For a PDF version of our Franchise Disclosure Document click here.
  4. Behavioral Assessment: Behavioral Assessment: If you are interested in further exploring the AmSpirit Business Connections Franchise Opportunity, YOU MUST COMPLETE, SIGN AND RETURN TO US Item 23 of the FDD (entitled "Receipt") along with a check in the amount of $200.00. Once we have received these materials, we will forward you via e-mail an online assessment to determine your leadership personality profile. Please devote approximately 45 minutes to completing all portions of this assessment. When we have received the results of your online assessment, we will e-mail a copy to you. We will also arrange to review with you the results of your leadership personality profile and compare those to the traits necessary to be success as an AmSpirit Business Connections Franchisee.
  5. Territory: If after reviewing the results of your online assessment, we mutually decide that your leadership personality profile is favorable for operating an AmSpirit Business Connections franchise, we will review your business objectives and define a potential territory for you.
  6. Business Evaluation: Once you are comfortable with the proposed territory AmSpirit Business Connections would be assigning, you will have the opportunity to devote some time and attention to visiting with Directors, Chapters and members in Columbus, Ohio (or any other operating AmSpirit Business Connections franchise or corporate operation).
  7. Final Decision: After you have completed your business evaluation and we mutually agree to establish a franchisor-franchisee relationship, together we will execute the Franchise Agreement and you will pay us the appropriate franchise fee. At this time, AmSpirit Business Connections will provide you with the AmSpirit Business Connections Operations Manual and finalize a date for you to enter the AmSpirit Business Connections Franchisee Initial Training Program.

About AmSpirit Business Connections

AmSpirit Business Connections offers a low cost, part time, professionals services franchise opportunity. Through it, AmSpirit Business Connections organizes and supports Chapters of sales representatives, entrepreneurs, and professionals. These individuals are collectively referred to as members and the members pay membership fees to participate in AmSpirit Business Connections Chapters. The members of these Chapters meet on a weekly basis to participate in a structured meeting format where they assist one another to succeed by creating a forum where they can exchange qualified referrals.

While Chapter membership can be diverse, here are some examples of sales representatives, entrepreneurs and professionals that can benefit from the program supported by AmSpirit Business Connections:

Accountants … Ad Specialists … Advertising Agents … Attorneys … Auto Body Repairers … Auto Leasers ... Auto Sales People ... Bankers ... Beauticians ... Bedding Sales People... Business Brokers ... Carpet Cleaners ... Casualty Insurance Agents ... Caterers ... Cellular Phone Sales People ... Chiropractors ... Cleaning Services ... Collection Services ... Commercial Cleaners ... Computer Consultants ... Credit Card Services ... Dentists ... Embroiderers ... Employee Leasers ... Employment Agents ... Equipment Leasers ... Exhibit Displays ... Florists ... Graphic Designers ... Health & Fitness Experts ... Image Consultants ... Interior Designers ... Internet Services ... Jewelers ... Landscapers ... Life Insurance Agents ... Locksmiths ... Long Distance Providers ... Marketing Consultants ... Massage Therapists ... Mortgage Brokers ... Moving & Storage ... Office Equipment ... Office Furniture ... Office Suppliers ... Optometrists ... Payroll Services ... Photographers ... Printers ... Public Relations ... Real Estate Appraisers ... Realtors ... Remodeling Contractors ... Retirement Community ... Sales Trainers ... Security Systems ... Signs ... Stockbrokers ... Telecommunications ... Title Insurance Agents ... Travel Agents.

As a franchisee of AmSpirit Business Connections, we will empower you to establish these Chapters and create an environment where your members achieve greater success through the interaction with others as well as the guidance that you provide.

The AmSpirit Business Connections franchise may be right for you if you are looking for a professional services franchise opportunity that offers...

Franchisee Expectations

Being an AmSpirit Business Connections franchisee is a unique opportunity to consult with entrepreneurs, sales representatives and professionals as AmSpirit Business Connections has designed this program to allow you to dovetail your current business or profession with the franchise opportunity. Thus, there is no requirement that you expend a full-time effort towards being an AmSpirit Business Connections franchisee, as this is a low cost, part time, professional services franchise opportunity.

As it is a franchise requiring that you lead, guide and mentor a variety of small business people, AmSpirit Business Connections recommends that you have a minimum of 10 years of diverse business, self-employment or similar experience working with small business persons or commission-based professionals.

In addition, you must be avidly committed to assist other business professionals in becoming more successful by establishing strong, productive business relationship through the AmSpirit Business Connections program. You will accomplish this by:

AmSpirit Business Connections Support

As a franchisee, AmSpirit Business Connections commits to providing you the following support to empower you to succeed:

  1. Initial Training: As a franchisee of AmSpirit Business Connections, you will participate in a multi-day initial training program near our headquarters. At this training program, we will (i) Introduce you to all aspects of the AmSpirit Business Connections model; (ii) Provide a detailed discussion of the steps necessary to start a Chapter and the activities essential to make it successful, vibrant and dynamic; and, (iii) Allow you to observe active Chapters that have made successful use of the AmSpirit Business Connections model.
  2. Ongoing Development: In addition to the initial training, AmSpirit Business Connections will periodically offer supplemental training and development programs that you will have the opportunity to attend.
  3. Personal Consultation: In addition to formalized training programs, staff at AmSpirit Business Connections will be available via telephone and electronic mail to address your unique situations and challenges.
  4. Program & Materials: As a franchisee of AmSpirit Business Connections, you have electronic access to a plethora of documents needed to operate your franchise.
  5. AmSpirit.Com: In addition, to the website available to the membership and the public at large, AmSpirit Business Connections maintains a section of its website exclusively devoted to franchisees and directors of its corporate-owned territories. Known as the Director Only section, this part of our website will provide you with materials to assist in your personal and professional development, a forum for franchisees to share experience and logs for guiding and tracking franchisee success.
  6. Member & Community Programs: In addition to program and material documents, as a franchisee of AmSpirit Business Connections, you will be provided with access to a library of training and facilitation programs that you can use to empower members as well as work with business organizations in your area.
  7. Membership & Financial Management: On your behalf as a franchisee, AmSpirit Business Connections will manage your membership database as well as ensure that your members are appropriately invoiced.

Revenue Sources

The AmSpirit Business Connections Franchise Opportunity is unique. As a low cost, part time, professional services franchise opportunity, not only will it generate income for you from the operation of the franchise, but if you choose you can derive royalty-free income from your enhanced business acumen and fortified network.

One-Time Initiation Fee: As a franchisee of AmSpirit Business Connections, when an entrepreneur, sales representative or professional joins a Chapter for which you have responsibility, he or she submits a membership application along with a one-time initiation fee for membership in each Chapter in which he or she participates.

Quarterly Dues: As a franchisee of AmSpirit Business Connections, in addition to the one-time initiation fee, members pay ongoing membership dues on a quarterly basis. Members have the option to pre-pay four (4) quarters of annual dues at a discount.

Consultation Income: As a franchisee of AmSpirit Business Connections, you develop yourself into, and others will perceive you as, an authority in the area of business relationship development. With this, you are encouraged to use these skills to land consulting contracts with your area to assist businesses in developing their internal or external business relationships.

Fortified Network: As a franchisee of AmSpirit Business Connections, you cannot help but expand and enhance your own professional network. With this, you are encouraged to parlay these contacts into referrals for customers or clients for any other business in which you are involved.

Investment Required

The AmSpirit Business Connections franchise opportunity is a business opportunity requiring a financial investment and a time commitment for optimal success. For a detailed and current description of the complete investment required, refer to the Franchise Disclosure Document provided by AmSpirit Franchise Corporation.